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The Discovery of Two Tailor’s Bunion

My name is Anna Frye, and I have been coping and living with a my tailor’s bunion for years. It began at the youthful age of 24. I had a great place only four blocks from the beach in California. I was an enthusiastic rollerblader, I loved running on the beach and playing beach volley ball. Then I discovered a tailor bunion that was situated just beneath each fifth toe on my feet.

I never discovered them before, but now they caught my eye.

My friend at the time, who is now my husband, had no concept what they were either. It was enough to encourage me to contact my regional podiatric physician for a consultation.

When I met the physician, he was very helpful, but he seemed to offer no alternatives right from the start. As soon as I took off my sneakers he realized right away, “you have tailor’s bunions.” I assumed tailor’s bunions were for senior citizens, I was a little surprised.

He said something to the impact of, “not a problem at all, I can eliminate those, it is not be an extensive process.”

It was said in such a calm way, I had to ask him, “your talking about surgery, right?” As soon as he said yes, I already new I was not going to do it. Not because of the medical procedures itself, but I just didn’t have insurance then.

The tailor’s bunions just didn’t harm or hassle me at all, and they were rather little. So I thanked him for his some time and I was on my way.

To read more about my experiences of living and dealing with My Tailor’s Bunion, go to I went through foot pain, surgery, and recovery.  I discovered Tailor’s Bunion preventive care and stylish shoes to keep my bunions happy. I hope that my journey can help you cope with your Tailor’s Bunion.